Nov 2, 2010

Kane and Abel (Jeffrey Archer)

Title: Kane and Abel
Author: Jeffrey Archer
Edition/Year: 1980 (US Edition)
First Published: 1979 (United Kingdom)

This 1979 novel written by Jeffrey Archer, was picked up by me for Rs. 100 at Saket mall. I happened to like it instantly !! The names of the primary characters, William Kane and Abel Rosnovski, is a play on the Biblican brothers Cain and Abel.

William Kane comes from a wealthy Family in Boston and becomes a successful banker. Meanwhile, Abel (born Wladek) is from a poor family in Poland. What follows is a description of the different lives they lead and on where their paths intersect, and on why Abel develops a hatred for Kane that seems quite irrational in the end.

This book brings out the best in Mr. Archer. His description of events left me spellbound. It was one of the few books I read in just 2-3 sittings, and it was hard to put down. The book is clear – no confusion anywhere. Limited number of characters and more action makes this book an ideal read. But what separates it from other books in its genre is its narration. Each and every event is mentioned in detail. Not much emphasis is put on the description of the locations as on the description of each and every action to have taken place.

Just get a copy of the book and read it as soon as possible. I bet you will not be able to put it down till you finish it J


  1. Short and crisp review. Even I liked the book when I read it.


  2. Hi

    Thanks for commenting. Yea, it was a good one. Have to catch up on more books to keep this blog moving !!!

